
Hello Philadelphia!


Hello Philadelphia!

Even though my remote practice has been in full swing, I decided to join a very prominent and popular spa in center city (16th/Walnut) Philadelphia to do more hands-on healing. This spa fit my ideal image of where my business needs to be right now: warm, friendly, peaceful, honest and fair and most of all - full of talent. The talent of these woman outshines everything else. These gals are my tribe.

It gives me a safe space to introduce Philly to the world of energy healing - my unique style. Wondering if people will get it, resonate with it and understand it, this has been on my mind day and night, week after week. Living in Philly for almost 10 years, I was fairly confident Philly would get it. And not just get it - love it, leverage it and include it in their lives to drive the personal transformation and individual answers to questions of health and wellbeing they are seeking.

That is my true wish for Philly. I am here to serve you.

As I meet more and more of you, grateful for the stories you share and the intimate secrets you divulge in the name of healing. I’m in awe of you. Hungry for spiritual insight and willing to try something new in the hopes of bringing you some relief, some direction, more love and of course true clarity. I won’t let you down.

Just as energy healing has opened me up to self-love, true love, self-respect, self-empowerment, success, new career heights and relationship peaks, I’m certain it will do the same for you. While the road is not always easy, great gifts are always at the end for the taking.

Will you take them? The choice is yours.

Hello Philadelphia! Thanks for the great big warm welcome. I am here to serve. My goal is simply to bring you closer to you. 

Halloween’s Trick on Me

This year was the first time my family celebrated Halloween with my 3-year-old. The past two years, she was just too young to enjoy it. She went back and forth about 10 times with her outfit choice (just like her mother), but finally, we landed on Flo the Floogal (a new cartoon on Sprout). Unfortunately, because the cartoon is so new, there were no ‘out-of-the-box’ Floogal costumes to be found. I tried my best to piece one together, but my efforts were pointless. Instead, I just bought a Toy Story Buzz Lightyear outfit and helmet and told her to let people know she was a Floogal. Surprisingly, she agreed and was happy. So every place we went; dance recital, gymnastics, etc, I could hear her say — “no I’m a Floogle, my name is Flo.” sometimes the kids understood, sometimes they didn’t, but she didn’t care. She was having fun!

Fast forward to last night — Halloween. We got together with some longtime friends and our girls went trick-o-treatin together. For one hour, two little girls, a silly shark, and Buzz Lightyear/Flo the Floogal rang doorbells and got candy. Shrikes of excitement came out every time they found a new house to attack. Of course, they didn’t want to stop until they filled their pumpkin baskets with candy to the very top. We began our walk back home. The girls walked a bit ahead and I was chatting with other mom. Suddenly, we came upon this spooky house. I have to say that was putting it lightly, it was beyond spooky. Dead electric bodies everywhere moving around, people tied up with rope to trees, scary music, and blood. It actually looked like a massacre. The girls saw it first and started screaming and crying.

Mistake #1
 I was stuck for the next 10 minutes explaining how the massacre is not real, just fake machines, even though it did look pretty real. Ugh. Ok, next. Finally, we were headed home to now eat some candy, Um, Great, good old candy. I just hate that word so much. I mean it would be one thing if our candy was made of a real, natural ingredient like, let’s say — pure cane sugar. That would be fine. But of course, our candy is loaded up with preservatives, dyes, and harmful chemicals.

Still not sure why Americans don’t care about this??? Can anyone shed some light here?

So not only do I have to worry about my three-year-old eating sugar; but junky, addictive, crappy, mood altering, cancer causing sugar. Wow, this holiday is getting even better! Being the cool mom, I lifted my shitty candy ban for one night and let her indulge in a few items with her friends as I looked away.

Mistake #2
 We eventually ventured home and sat down for a late dinner. I gave my daughter some soup, turned around to get some for myself and I heard a loud BANG! What was that!? My daughter, usually a wonderful kid, turned the entire bowl of soup upside down on her table and pushed her table across the floor. Like she was possessed. I’ll spare you all the details but some evil words came out of her mouth which caused an immediate bath and bedtime. 10 mins later, she was fast asleep. Thank goodness, I thought. She’ll sleep off this shitty candy and spooky stuff and we can start tomorrow, a new day!

Fast asleep around 11pm, I heard my daughter screaming. I ran into her room just to find her eyes shut and locked in a deep sleep. She was having nightmares. For the first time ever. She is usually such a peaceful sleeper. I woke up again about 1pm, but this time to a little body standing over my bed asking if she could sleep with us. Again, unusual. “Ok, I said,” she hopped into bed with us. But she did not sleep for the entire night. Not one wink. Hopped-up on shitty candy and spooked from the house. She was a mess. A complete mess. My husband decided to move to the basement so that at least one of us could get some sleep. No sleep for me. No sleep for her.

I realized in the morning — this was the shitty-est holiday ever. I hate it.

Not gonna lie — I did get a small glimmer of pride, finally feeling like the last 3 years of keeping my child away from all the crappy candy and food (not without enduring ridicule) has paid off brilliantly. Who wants a life like this every day, I’m sure you don’t. Sadly, it makes me wonder what role our poison food is playing in all the sickness (ADD, ADHD, etc) that’s plaguing our children. My child turned into a completely different child in 1 hour. For the love of God. Scary shit dude. As you can see, Halloween has nothing to offer Moms but a big bag of horrible tricks. Oh, and of course I ended up eating a few pieces of shitty candy myself. Damn it all! I’m glad I have 364 days until next year.

Sitting in the parking lot…reflecting

I’m sitting here in the wholefoods parking lot. My 3rd trip this week. I’m 40 …. 40. When I was parting in Greece, Egypt, France and New York City did I ever think I’d be sitting here in the wholefoods parking lot for the 3rd time this week, 1 kid deep, wondering what I want from my life. I’ve already done it all and now at 40 I’m enjoying my 3 year old grow. Isn’t that enough? Is it? Do I need more? Do I deserve more? What is more … what does that even mean?

My marriage is great, I love my husband, I’m spiritual, connected, genuinely happy, and my child is pure joy. So why still a bit uncomfortable in my skin, why still unable to conquer fears, dreams, find who I am. Why do I always eat that one cookie that prevents me from meeting my weight goal the next day or look at my phone when I should be reading a book?

I know mostly who I am. I’ve reprogrammed myself from it all. Or so I thought. All the bad parenting, all the damage from dating in nyc, all the negative evil world energy you pick up as you live, as you breath. But still at 40 why am I still longing for something more? Missing something. Needing a different lifestyle, a different life. Why do I get bored just after each new iteration of a new life I create. Am I addicted to creating something new or am I just board with humanity, people, materialism, mom stuff, zombies — so many zombies around me. Do they get it? Do they want more?

I’m so intrigued by this planet and people so why the boredom? Maybe everyone in the suburbs is bored? Maybe I need to grow up? I swore I would never do this. I would never fall into this rut of work, eat, sleep — who had this car and has that dinning room table. Who cares!???! I don’t and I’m bored. You bore me. I’m bored out of my mind!!

But what’s a girl to do? Move to the city lock into 12 years of private school fees? Lock myself into having to work always? Don’t I want more freedom than that? Freedom. That’s a good word ! Do I really feel free anymore. No, no I don’t. Freedom doesn’t really exist with a child. Or maybe it’s my mindset. Maybe I’m conforming to what I think is best for my child and killing who I am in the meantime.

I had dreams and I accomplished them, I traveled the world, became an executive and should be happy to settle into this new life. I am happy — but I want more much much more. More excitement, more interesting things to do, more challenges. More. I thought I was zen. Maybe I’m not.

Maybe I’m nothing. That. I thought I was.

Maybe I’m someone new.

Can you get reincarnated into the same lifetime?

I’m always tired, tired and bored of coming to wholefoods and making dinner menus and working and waking up in the same house.

I want to take my family and have an adventure, explore life, show my daughter the world, love, grow, experience, build an empire — do more. This can’t be it. In one way it’s everything, but why does my skin crawls wanting more. More. I just know I want more. I’ve known that one truth my entire life. But what is more? How the hell do I get it? What is the damn answer??!? It haunts me. I’ve been chasing it for a lifetime and I want answers people!

Will I be 50 and not know? Will I be 60 and not know. How can I create this? How can I make this happen for myself before I die? I must know what more is.

Do you know what your more is?

Please. Tell me.